MSME Recruitment for 20 Engineer, Account Officer, Store Officer & Other Vacancy: – Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments under Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises has released its notification for recruitment of 20 Engineer, Account Officer, Store Officer & Other through contract basis. If you want to make a career with the MSME Recruitment, then this is your chance. Apply for this MSME Recruitment and make the most of this opportunity.
The last date to apply for this MSME Vacancy is 10 November 2018. Read the article to know in detail about the salary, pay scale, total vacancies, important dates and Here are some of the important Highlights of the MSME Recruitment Notification 2018.
Department:- Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments.
Posts:- Engineer, Account Officer, Store Officer & Other.
Total posts:-20 posts.
Eligibility:- B. tech/Graduate/LLB/MBA.
Age Limit:- Maximum 45 years.
Exam Fee:- No fee.
Last Date:- 10 November 2018.
Salary:- Rs.35,400 to Rs.209200 per month.
Job Location:- Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)/Bhiwadi (Rajasthan).
Application mode:-Offline.
Official Website:-
Vacancy details of MSME Recruitment:-

Total Vacancy: – 20 posts.
Name of post:-
2) MANAGER (MECHANICAL) – 02 posts.
3) MANAGER (MARKETING) – 02 posts.
6) ENGINEER (TRAINING) – 04 posts.
7) ACCOUNTS OFFICER – 02 posts.
8) STORE OFFICER – 02 posts.
Eligibility Criteria for MSME Recruitment:-
For Senior Manager (Training):- Degree in Engineering (Mechanical/Production/ Manufacturing Technology/Mechatronics/Electronics/Electrical / Automobile) or equivalent from a recognized University / Institution.
Salary:-Rs.78800 – 209200 per month.
For Manager (Mechanical):- Degree in Engineering (Mechanical/Production/ Manufacturing Technology/Mechatronics / Automobile) or equivalent from a recognized University / Institution.
Salary:-Rs.67700 – 208700 per month.
For Manager (Marketing):-Degree in Engineering (Mechanical/Production/ Manufacturing Technology/Mechatronics / Automobile) or equivalent from a recognized University / Institution.
Salary:-Rs.67700 – 208700 per month.
For Assistant Manager (Admin. & Accounts):- Commerce Graduate or any Graduate with Law/MBA/PGDBM or CA/ICWA or equivalent from a recognized University / institute.
Salary:- Rs.56,100 – 177500 per month.
For Senior Manager (Training):-Degree in Engineering (Mechanical/Production /Manufacturing Technology/Electronics/Electrical / Mechatronics/ Automobile) or equivalent from recognized University / Institute.
Salary:- Rs.44,900 – 142400 per month.
For Engineer (Training):- Degree in Engineering (Mechanical/ Production/ Electrical/ Electronics/Manufacturing Technology/Automobile) or equivalent from recognized University / Institute.
Salary:- Rs.35,400 – 112400 per month.
For Account Officer:- Degree in Commerce from recognized University or equivalent.
Salary:- Rs.35,400 – 112400 per month.
For Store Officer:- Degree in Commerce from recognized University.
Salary:-Rs.35,400 – 112400 per month.
Application fee:- There is no application fee.
Selection Process:- Their performance in test and interview.
Note: – If you have any query regarding selection process then you must see the notification and read carefully.
How to apply: – The candidates can apply in prescribed application format along with self-attested copies of documents and relevant documents and send to THE MANAGING DIRECTOR, INDO GERMAN TOOL ROOM, P-31, MIDC INDUSTRIAL AREA, CHIKALTHANA, AURANGABAD 431 006. (MAHARASHTRA) on or before 10 November 2018.
Official Notification for MSME Vacancy:-
About MSME Vacancy.
The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, a branch of the Government of India, is the apex body for the formulation and administration of rules, regulations and laws relating to micro, small and medium enterprises in India. The current Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is Kalraj Mishra since 26 May 2014.