BECIL Recruitment 2018 : 33 Assistant Librarian, Technical Assistant, Social Worker & Other Posts: - Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) has invited a notification for recruitment of 33 Assistant Librarian, Technical Assistant, Social Worker & Other through contract basis. Eligible or Interested Candidates can apply in prescribed application format on or before 05 November 2018. Further other details like pay scale, application fee, selection process and qualification are given below.

Posts:- Assistant Librarian, Technical Assistant, Social Worker & Other.

Eligibility:- 10th/12th/Diploma/ITI/Graduate.

Age Limit:- Maximum 40 years.

Last Date:- 05 November 2018.

Job Location:-Delhi.

Notification number:- BECIL/HR/PROJECT/EDMC/Advt/2018.

Total Vacancy: – 33 Posts.

· OT Assistant – 06 posts.

· Radiographer - 05 posts.

· ECG Technician – 02 posts.

· Plaster Assistant - 03 posts.

· Physiotherapist - 01 post.

· Social Worker - 02 posts.

· Pharmacist - 02 posts.

· Technical Assistant - 01 post.

· Laboratory Technician - 03 posts.

· Laboratory Assistant - 06 posts.

· Assistant Librarian - 02 posts.

Qualification details:-

Qualification for OT Assistant: - Candidates should pass Metric Pass with Science Subjects from a recognized university. Two years’ experience from reputed Institute.

Salary: – Rs.24000 per month.

Qualification for Radiographer: - Candidates should pass Metric Pass with Science from a recognized University. Certificate to Radiology/ Radiographer from recognized University.

Salary: – Rs.24000 per month.

Qualification for ECG Technician: - Candidates should pass Metric pass with Science subject from a recognized University/Board/School. Or. Certificate to Electronics from ITI or any other recognized Institute.

Salary: – Rs.20000 per month.

Qualification for Plaster Assistant: - Candidates should pass 10+2 with Science from recognized University. One year experience from reputed Hospital.

Salary: – Rs.20000 per month.

Qualification for Physiotherapist: - Candidates should pass Diploma in Physiotherapy from a recognized Institute.

Salary: – Rs.30000 per month.

Qualification for Social Worker: - Candidates should pass Matriculation from a recognized University/ Board/ School or equivalent. One year of experience in social work/ community Organization/ Family Welfare work. Working knowledge of Hindi. Training in family welfare/ health education/ sanitation from a recognized institute or equivalent.

Salary: – Rs.20000 per month.

Qualification for Pharmacist: - Candidates should pass matriculation or equivalent examination of a recognized University/ Board. Must be registered as a qualified Pharmacist/ Dispenser with a recognized pharmacy council.

Salary: – Rs.28000 per month.

Qualification for Technical Assistant: - Candidates should pass 10 + 2 with Science subject from a recognized University. B.Sc./ DMLT with 8 years’ experience.

Salary: – Rs.35000 per month.

Qualification for Laboratory Technician: -Candidates should pass B.Sc., MLT with 3 years’ Experience.

Salary: – Rs.30000 per month.

Qualification for Laboratory Assistant: - Candidates should pass DMLT/ B.Sc., MLT with 1-year experience as Lab Assistant from a recognized University.

Salary: – Rs.24000 per month.

Qualification for Assistant Librarian: - Candidates should pass Higher Secondary School Certificates from a recognized Board/ University. Certificate course in Library Science from a recognized Institute.

Salary: – Rs.24000 per month.

Application fee: - Candidates have to pay Rs.500 for General/OBC and Rs.250 for SC/ST/PH through Demand Draft drawn in favor of Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited payable at New Delhi.

Selection Process: - Candidates will be selected on the basis of written exam and interview.

How to apply: – Eligible or Interested Candidates can apply in prescribed application format along with self-attested copies of documents and relevant documents and send to Assistant General Manager (HR) in BECIL’s Corporate Office at BECIL Bhawan, C-56/A17, Sector-62, Noida-201307 (U.P). on or before 05 November 2018.

About BECIL:- Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) is a public sector undertaking of the government of India. BECIL provides broadcast engineering and information technology services in India.